...custom wiring for the entertainment industry...

For each signal in your studio (audio, video, control, data, etc) there is a type of cable designed specifically to carry that type of signal, and a corresponding connector. Here are some of the most commonly used.
Connectors, Cable, and Signal Types
There are a number of theories about what this acronym stands for, but the most commonly accepted seems to be Cannon's description of their (X)-series with a (L)ocking tab and contacts mounted in a (R)esilient polychloroprine compound.
(T)ip-(R)ing-(S)leeve, a description of the three conductors on this connector.
(R)adio (C)orporation of (A)merica is the company who introduced this connector for use on their phonograph consoles.
(T)iny (T)elephone - these jacks were originally used by telephone operators to route phone calls to their recipients.
"D" describes the shape of the metal shield on these connectors, and "sub" stands for "subminiature"; when created, they were among the smallest connectors available. "Dsub" is commonly used to refer to a db25 which is a 25-pin connector.
(H)igh (D)efinition (M)ultimedia (I)nterface
(D)igital (V)isual (I)nterface - different versions of this connector can carry video signals that are analog (DVI-A), digital (DVI-D) or both (DVI-I for Integrated).
(V)ideo (G)raphics (A)rray, common name for the 15-pin dsubminiature connector used to support an older analog video display standard. This connector is also referred to as an HD15 (HD= "high density").

Balanced mic- or line-level signal
Balanced line-level audio signal.
*Special application: two unbalanced signals can be wired in for stereo headphones left/right, or insert in/out
Unbalanced line level audio signal
Multiple line-level analog signals
Digital video and audio signals
Digital video signal
Multipair shielded coaxial cable is best; cheaper premade cables often contain non-coaxial multipair control cable.
Name Origin and Info
Signal Type(s)
Cable Type
Analog twisted shielded pair
Analog twisted shielded pair
Analog twisted shielded pair
Analog video signal
Analog coaxial cable
Balanced digital signal (AES/EBU)
Digital twisted shielded pair (110Ω)
Analog twisted shielded multipair
Multiple balanced digital signals
Digital twisted shielded multipair
Balanced mic- or line-level signal
Balanced digital signal (AES/EBU)
Analog twisted shielded pair
Digital twisted shielded pair (110Ω)
HDMI cable. It is best to purchase these cables prefabricated.
DVI cable. It is best to purchase these cables prefabricated.
Unbalanced digital audio signal (SPDIF)
Digital coaxial cable (75Ω)
Single Connectors
Multi Connectors
(B)ayonet (N)eill-(C)oncelman - this connector has two "bayonet" lugs on the female connector. Invented by Paul Neill and Carl Concelman, 1951.

Digital video signal (SDI)
Digital coaxial cable (75Ω)
Analog video signal
Analog coaxial cable (50Ω)
The plugs on this connector are shaped like bananas.

Amplified speaker signal
High-gauge unbalanced, unshielded cable
Name Origin and Info
Signal Type(s)
Cable Type
These connectors are commonly used for one wire carrying one signal, although there are a few special applications (noted with *) where multiple wires/signals may use a single connector.
These connectors are commonly used for multiple wires and signals.
(R)egistered (J)ack of type 45, which is a common use for the 8P8C (8-position, 8-conductor) connector

CAT5 or CAT6 data
One jacketed wire containing 4 twisted pairs, solid core
An info request I sent to the manufacturer of this connector (ITT/Cannon) got this reply:
"DL is more than 30 years' old product.
D => D-sub alike
L => Locking"

Multiple line-level analog signals
Multipair balanced shielded audio cable
RJ45 or 8P8C
Analog video signal
Digital coaxial cable (75Ω)
(T)ip-(S)leeve, a description of the two conductors on this connector.

Unbalanced line-level audio signal
Analog twisted shielded pair
Large gauge speaker cable
Speaker signal
Neutrik connector used for carrying amplified signal to speakers

Speaker signal
Large gauge speaker cable
